Zirconium Dental Veneers

A modern dental veneer of the latest generation is made of zirconium. Dental veneers made of zirconium are durable and aesthetically pleasing. They are just like a genuine tooth. Due to their inadequate resilience, dental veneers used to be supported by metal. Metal’s inability to bond with human tissue, as well as its allergenicity and aesthetic deficiency, used to be a problem.

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    What Makes Zirconium Special?

    The zirconium element is aesthetically pleasing, abrasion-resistant, and compatible with human tissue. As a result, it makes it possible to create replacement teeth that are as good as real ones.

    Who Can Have Zirconium Dental Veneers?

    • Those want to replace their teeth due to aesthetic and health concerns.
    • Those who desire the straightening of their minor dental irregularities.
    • Those who favor durable, aesthetically pleasing prostheses for implant treatment.
    • Those who desire beautiful teeth with computerized smile design.

      Zirconium (which is viewed as a black stain under the gum) overcomes the visual flaws in metal-supported crowns.

    Can Zirconium Veneer Be Applied to a Single Tooth?

    Zirconium veneers can be bonded to a single tooth or a group of teeth.

    How Long Does the Zirconium Dental Veneer Procedure Take?

    The length of time depends on the number of teeth that need to be veneered and the location of the surgery. Since the measurements are obtained specifically for the individual and created in software, at least two sessions are necessary.

    Will It Hurt When Zirconium Dental Veneer is Applied?

    Throughout the procedure, you won’t experience any discomfort. Local anesthetic can be used if necessary, but this is typically not required.

    Once your zirconium teeth are ready, [we construct temporary teeth for you so that you can utilize them easily in your daily life.]

    What are the Advantages of Zirconium Dental Veneer?

    • Because it is compatible with human tissue, it does not stain the gingiva, and because of its excellent light transmittance, it seems attractive and natural.
    • It lasts a long time and can be used comfortably.
    • The zirconium veneer on the tooth is unblemished.
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