Implant Treatment

Implants are the most natural treatment for missing teeth. A screw-shaped implant placed in the jawbone to replace a missing tooth functions like the root of a natural tooth. [Dental implants are materials that are 100% compatible with human biology. They are mostly made of titanium, with zirconia and ceramic implants becoming an option in recent years.

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    How Is Implant Treatment Performed?

    X-ray examination is essential for implant treatment. This examination clearly identifies the patient’s bone structure and determines the bone structure required for setting her screw in the implant. A treatment plan is created for people who meet bone density and other eligibility criteria. During this individual planning, your implantologist will determine the appropriate type and length of implant.

    [Depending on the suitability of the patient and the type of implant, the treatment may be one or two stages. ]

    How Is One-Stage Implant Treatment Performed?

    The one-step process allows immediate creation of the implant superstructure. That is, the immediate installation of new permanent teeth. The Novus Clinic’s specialty and offered in one of the few clinics in Europe, the treatment “72-hour Implants and Permanent Teeth” is the best example of one-stage implants. Permanent teeth erupt in 1 to 3 days after this treatment.

    [72-hour Implant and Permanent Teeth Treatment has a very different philosophy than traditional implant applications and can be performed by experienced implantologists and clinics with access to advanced technology. ]

    How is Two-Stage Implant Treatment Performed?

    Implants placed in the jawbone are covered with gum and capped after the healing process.

    [With 2-step treatment, you can continue your daily life with temporary teeth in the healing process with the structure of your mouth in order]

    How Long Does the Implant Procedure Take?

    Depending on the placement of the implant in the mandible or maxilla and the bone structure, the surgical procedure can be completed in 5 minutes to 1 hour. Implant-to-bone fusion time is 2 to 6 months. Implants used in the lower jaw require a healing period of 2-3 months, and implants used in the upper jaw require a healing period of 3-6 months.

    [At Novus Clinic, measurements are taken with a dedicated device after implant placement and the waiting time is displayed based on scientific data.]

    Will there be pain when inserting the implant?

    Since local anesthesia numbs the area where the implant is placed, the pain is the same as other dental treatments. [Implant is a surgical operation, but there is no pain during the operation]

    What are the advantages of Implant?

    ✓ Implants are the most suitable treatment for natural teeth.
    ✓ Healthy teeth are not ground or damaged during implant placement.
    ✓ Implants allow you to chew functionally just like your natural teeth.
    ✓ The aesthetics of the mouth and teeth are guaranteed by implants.
    ✓ No speech impediments thanks to the compatibility of the implant with human biology. ✓ Implants do not put unequal pressure on the jawbone, maintaining bone health.
    ✓ Implant treatment can remove any type of tooth defect.

    [Implants look and feel like natural teeth. It is permanent as it fuses with the jawbone. ]

    What is the Lifetime of the Implant?

    Dental implants are made to stay in your mouth for the rest of your life. However, this period is determined by maintenance of oral and dental hygiene and genetic factors.

    [Implants are a very durable and long-lasting material. The durability of the implant depends on the person using it. ]

    What is the Success Rate of Implant Treatment?

    The success rate for dental implant procedures performed over 50 years is 95%.*

    [The dentist’s experience, the quality of the implant brand, the person’s bone structure, and the importance of oral hygiene determine the success of the implant.]

    * Berglundh T, Persson L, Klinge B. A Systematic Review of the Incidence of Biological and Technical Complications in Implant Dentistry Reported in Prospective Longitudinal Studies of at least 5Years. J Clin Periodontal 2002; 29:197–212.

    What Should I Pay Attention to After Implant?

    You must ensure oral hygiene. In addition to regular brushing, ensure hygiene by using special floss, an interface brush, and a dentist-recommended mouthwash.

    Which Brand of Implant Is Better?

    There are more than 150 brands of implants in Turkey. The number of implant brands in the world exceeds 500. At Novus Clinic, we consider the following criteria when selecting implant brands:
    The success of the implant brand should be confirmed by scientific studies and the company should have been operating in Turkey for at least 10 years and have a clear track record.

    The implant brands we have selected that fit these criteria are companies with ADA (American Dental Association) certification, FDI (FDI World Dental Federation), CE approval and authorization. of the Ministry of Health. In this way, the implant brands we work with are trusted companies that offer a lifetime warranty against any possibility of defects arising from the manufacture of the implant and the provision of service on it. Around the world. [We source all products from authorized distributors to ensure authenticity.]

    Can Every Dentist Perform Implant Treatment?

    Implant treatment is a surgical procedure that requires dental expertise. Therefore, it is not suitable for dentists who do not have the expertise to perform implant treatment.

    [Treatment is best performed by oral, dental, maxillofacial surgeons and implantologists. ]

    Can Anyone with a Missing Tooth Have Implants?

    Implants can be easily placed in people who are 18 years of age or older, have complete bone development, and do not have medical conditions that could cause surgical complications.

    [People under the age of 18 are not suitable for implants because they are still growing. ]

    Consultation with a dentist or another doctor is necessary in the following cases:

    – Diabetes
    – high blood pressure
    – Chronic cardiovascular disease (heart disease)
    – hemophilia (blood clotting disorder)
    – Use of blood thinners
    – Head and neck radiotherapy
    – Autoimmune diseases (immune system).
    ・Use of corticosteroids (hormone inhibitors) In such cases, the use of implants is decided after consulting with an implant specialist or another doctor. Additionally, implants may be at increased risk if:

    – Excessive smoking
    ・Alcoholism, drug dependence In the above cases, the success rate of implant treatment decreases. It would be appropriate to delay implant treatment in pregnant women with the help of other solutions.

    [Adults who do not have sufficient bone tissue or density to place an implant may require preparation to build and strengthen the bone.

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