Treatment of Bruxism


Bruxism is a disorder that usually occurs as a result of involuntary jaw clenching movements. [This disease not only affects the teeth and jaw structure but can also cause head and neck pain.]

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    What are the Causes of Bruxism?

    ✓ Mental tension (stress) due to modern lifestyle.
    ✓ Structural defects of the jaw (poor closure).

    [The characterization of this disorder as an involuntary state is because it usually occurs during nocturnal sleep. ]

    What Are the Symptoms of Bruxism?

    ✓ Developing and increasing tooth sensitivity.
    ✓ Formation of abrasions on the teeth.
    ✓ Decreased chewing ability of teeth.
    ✓ Jaw and facial pain.

    [Especially when you wake up in the morning, pain in the jaw joint and fatigue in facial muscles are signs of bruxism]

    How Is Bruxism Treated?

    Treatment of bruxism depends on the degree and form of the disorder, but the primary concern is to relieve the tension between the teeth. For this reason, one of his two main pillars of treatment is the application of a sheet of clear acrylic prepared specifically for the treatment of bruxism, commonly known as ‘bruxism plaque’. It differs from night plaque. Another pillar of treatment is Botox application. Botox reduces excessive stress on your joints and teeth, and can give you great success even in the most difficult cases.

    How is the Bruxism Plaque Used?

    Bruxism plaque is clear plaque that adheres to your teeth to prevent clenching of your teeth and straining your jaw while you sleep. It differs from night plaque. Bruxism plaque is created by a dentist taking measurements of a person’s mouth and teeth, which are unique to each person. With practice, I found that the Knight-Her stickers worked instantly. It starts working within a few days after starting treatment.

    What are the Benefits of Bruxism Treatment?

    ✓ Prevents tooth sensitivity.
    ✓ Prevent tooth wear from clenching and fractures.
    ✓ No more pain in jaw and face.
    ✓ Prevent joint damage.
    ✓ Restriction and obstruction of the mouth opening is prevented.
    ✓ Increased comfort of life.

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