Tooth Cleaning

Foreign elements that impair the normal tooth structure are what cause tooth stones to form. Diseases like tooth decay and gingivitis may result from this. [Plaque is created when food particles and bacteria build up on teeth. The hardened plaque eventually turns into teeth stones.]

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    How is Dental Cleaning Performed?

    There are ultrasonic apparatuses. With the aid of a cavitron gadget, large chunks of tooth stone are extracted, and the remainder is cleaned by spraying water into the mouth. Tiny tartars are removed using instruments with a fine tip. The tooth surface is polished or coated with fluoride paste to give it a glossy appearance.

    Can tooth stone Cleaning Be Performed at Home?

    You risk catastrophic health consequences if you try to remove dental stones at home using tools that aren’t sterile enough to be used for dental care.

    [Tooth stone removal should be handled by specialists in a clinic since tooth stones are hard formations that cannot be removed with a standard toothbrush.]

    How Long Does Dental Cleaning Take?

    The process can take up to 45 minutes, depending on the density of the teeth stones. For those who take good care of their oral health on a regular basis, a dental cleaning just takes ten minutes.

    What are the Benefits of Professional Dental Cleaning?

    It halts the development of gingivitis and tooth decay.
    Cleaning the tooth stone makes the teeth seem better and stops them from turning yellow.
    You won’t have the issue of bad breath brought on by teeth stones.
    Professional tooth stone removal is safe for teeth.
    General oral hygiene is provided via dental cleaning.

    How Often Should Dental Cleaning Be Performed?

    Every six months, you should have your teeth cleaned to protect your oral health.

    Can I Eat Immediately After Dental Cleaning?

    Following an hour, food may be eaten.

    Will I Experience Tooth Sensitivity After Treatment?

    There may be cold and hot sensitivity after the procedure. Even if there is sensitivity, it improves in 1 day.

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