Digital Smile Design

Digital Smile Design

Having attractive teeth is a component of having a beautiful face.  Aesthetic dentistry seeks to provide healthy, natural-looking teeth that will enhance facial appearance.

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    What is a Smile Design?

    Smile design is the process of correcting any esthetic issues including the mouth, teeth, and jaw.

    The outcome of a digital smile design can be predicted. A rehearsal is carried out first thanks to 3D imaging technology, a unique computer application, and the mock-up technique. Unpleasant surprises are prevented in this way.

    How is Digital Design Performed?

    The subject is photographed, recorded, and then uploaded to a specialized computer application that performs 3D analysis. A three-dimensional smile design is made with this application.

    While developing the digital plan, the harmony of the teeth model with the lip lines, the impact of the face, and the impact of the jaw structure on the design are assessed.

    Seeing the smile design in a digital setting is insufficient. After the mock-up, the decision is taken in its entirety. Mock-up refers to printing out the digital rehearsal schedule for oral performance. Wax teeth are inserted while the design is transferred to this model, and a silicone mold is used to create the tooth structure.

    [The aesthetic dentist will check the details of the model and make any necessary corrections.]

    Which Treatments Are Used in Smile Design?

    ✓ Zirconium dental veneer.
    ✓ Lamina (porcelain) dental veneer.
    ✓ E-Max Dental Veneer.
    ✓ Bonding.
    ✓ Pink Aesthetics.
    ✓ Dental bleaching.

    [Sometimes dental aesthetics can be achieved with a single application in smile design, while other times many procedures may be necessary.]

    What are the Advantages of Digital Smile Design?

    ✓ Complements the beauty of your face and gives you confidence.
    ✓ Cosmetic dentistry applications are healthy and durable.
    ✓ Helps prevent periodontal disease.
    ✓ Improves chewing quality.
    ✓ Helps maintain the health of other teeth in your mouth. ✓ Aesthetic dental applications look natural and stylish.

    [Mistakes are not allowed in digital smile design. The most suitable model is applied without error. ]

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